Resignation Letter Template: Crafting Yours Professionally

Attius Li- Author
Atticus Li
Resume & Cover Letters
September 21, 2023
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Navigating the process of resigning from a job can be tricky. A well-crafted resignation letter not only marks the end of your tenure but also sets the tone for your departure and subsequent relations with former employers.

A resignation letter template can be a valuable tool to help you write your final resignation letter, ensuring you don't forget any important details. It also aids in maintaining a graceful and professional tone, which is perfect for establishing positive ongoing relations with your former employer.

Resignations can be prompted by a range of factors, including better career opportunities, unsatisfactory work conditions, health issues, personal priorities, and conflicts and toxicity at work.

These triggers vary among individuals and can involve a combination of reasons. Effective communication and problem-solving can sometimes help alleviate these issues and prevent resignations.

This article will walk you through each step to create a respectful and professional resignation notice, ensuring a smooth transition for both you and your employer. Ready to make an exit on good terms? Read on!

Key Takeaways

  • A resignation notice is a key tool in the job change process that officially notifies your employer of your departure and sets the tone for your relationship with them.
  • Important elements to include are a clear statement of resignation, expressing gratitude, providing transition details, and including personal contact information.
  • It’s crucial to avoid including future career plans, negative language or criticism, and overly emotional statements.
  • To write a professional notice of resignation, start with a clear initial statement of resignation, express gratitude towards your employer, provide transition details, and conclude the letter professionally.

Understanding the Importance of a Resignation Letter

It’s a key tool in the job change process. It shows that you are leaving your position in a proper way. This written message to your boss lets them know you plan to stop working for them and when this will happen.

Not only does a resignation notice give vital details, but it also says “thank you” to your employer for their part in your career path. Leaving on good terms might open doors later.

A well-crafted notice of resignation can keep old ties strong and guard against any bad feelings between you and your past job place.

Last, think of the HR Department who needs it for their records. Your statement of resignation fixes the end date of work and helps make sure all business matters tie up neatly — like final salary or benefits due after leaving an employee privacy-protected exit interview with HR Operations Management Leadership may follow upon receiving such formal notice.

In sum, writing a really good notice of resignation aids each step during transition from one job position to another by building trust, showing loyalty, creating official paper trail proof even if there comes time for possible business lawsuit.

Ensuring compliance with company culture and local legal statutes, which may be accessed by neutral third-party officials overseeing fair exit protocol execution.

Elements to Include in Your Resignation Letter

Include a statement of resignation, clearly stating your intention to leave the company and specifying your last working day.

Statement of Resignation and End Date

You need to give a statement of resignation in your letter. This means that you tell them you are leaving the job. You also need to say when your last day will be. It is very important to put both of these things in the letter.

Your boss needs this information so they can plan for you not being there anymore.

The end date should be two weeks from when you give the letter, if possible. This gives your boss time to find someone else for the job. If you cannot wait two weeks, it’s okay — just say what your last day will be.

Be sure to write down this date right after saying that you’re resigning from the position.

Expression of Gratitude

Saying thank you is a must. A part of your letter should show thanks to your boss. You can say thanks for the work, learning, and good times. Make sure to keep it positive. This shows respect and keeps up a professional tone.

It leaves a nice final mark on your job before you move on.

Details of the Transition

Your notice should have details about the switch. This part covers your last day at work and what you will do to help with change. For example, are there any tasks you need to finish? Or maybe there is someone who needs training for your job.

These details make it easy for others in the company after you leave. When clear on these points, no one gets left with extra work or questions. Making a smooth switch shows that you care about your place of work even if leaving.

Personal Contact Information

It’s important to include your personal contact information. This includes your name, address, email address, and phone number. You should list this information at the top of the letter, below the date.

Including your personal contact information ensures that your employer has the necessary details to reach out to you if needed. It’s crucial for this information to be accurate and up-to-date so that communication can be effective.

Even if you’ve already provided your contact information through other channels, it’s still important to include it in your letter.

What Not to Include in Your Resignation Letter

Resignation etiquette, things to avoid including are future career plans, negative language or criticism, and overly emotional statements in your letter.

Future Career Plans

In the future, when you’re writing your letter, it’s important to remember not to include your future career plans. This means you shouldn’t mention where you’re going or what job you’ll be taking next.

It’s best to keep this information private and focus on expressing gratitude for your current position instead. The purpose of a resignation notice is to formally notify your employer of your departure, not to discuss your future plans.

By leaving out this information, you maintain professionalism and avoid any complications that may arise from sharing too much about your personal career choices.

Negative Language or Criticism

Avoid using negative language or criticizing anyone in your letter. It’s important to maintain a professional and positive tone throughout the letter. This means refraining from expressing any bitterness or resentment towards your employer, coworkers, or the company itself.

Keep your focus on expressing gratitude for the opportunities and experiences you had during your time with the organization. By avoiding negative language and criticism, you can ensure that your letter leaves a good impression and maintains a positive professional relationship with your employer.

Overly Emotional Statements

It’s important to avoid overly emotional statements. Instead, focus on maintaining a positive and professional tone. Express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had and show willingness to assist with the transition.

Avoid sharing personal reasons or details about where you’re going next. Criticizing coworkers or using negative language should also be avoided. Keep your letter concise and free from emotional outbursts to maintain a professional image.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Resignation Notice

Write a clear and concise initial statement expressing your intention to resign, including the date of your last working day. Thank your employer for the opportunities and experiences you have gained during your time with the company.

In the transition details section, outline any assistance you are willing to provide in order to ensure a smooth handover process. Finally, conclude the letter professionally with a polite sign-off and remember to proofread and edit before delivering it.

Initial Statement

When writing your letter, start with a clear and direct statement that you are resigning from your position. Include the date when your resignation will be effective. It’s important to be straightforward and avoid any unnecessary details or explanations in this initial statement.

Remember to use a professional tone throughout the letter.

Thank You Section

In the thank you section of your letter, it’s important to express gratitude to your employer for the opportunity they have given you. You can mention specific things that you enjoyed or learned while working at the company.

Remember not to include details about why you’re leaving, where you’re going, or any negative comments about the company or coworkers. Instead, focus on offering assistance with the transition and ensuring a smooth wrap-up of your duties.

By showing appreciation in this section, you maintain a professional tone and leave on a positive note.

Transition Details

Including transition details is important. These details help ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities and make the process easier for both you and your employer.

Transition details may include specifying your last day of work and any relevant information about your departure. It’s essential to provide this information so that proper arrangements can be made for ongoing projects or tasks after you leave.

By including these crucial transition details in your letter, you can help facilitate an efficient transfer of responsibilities and maintain a positive professional relationship with your employer during the transition period.

Resignation Letter Template Samples

Included in this article is a selection of free resignation templates for various situations.

General Resignation Sample Template

The general resignation template provided on this article is a helpful tool for anyone looking to write a professional and polite letter.

It offers step-by-step guidance on what to include in your letter, such as stating your intention to resign and providing an end date, expressing gratitude towards your employer, detailing the transition process, and including your personal contact information.

This template can be used as a starting point for crafting your own letter that effectively communicates your decision to leave while maintaining a positive tone.

Here’s a general professional exit letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today’s Date]

[Supervisor’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter].

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working at [Company Name] and am grateful for the opportunities I have had to grow both professionally and personally. I appreciate the support and guidance I have received from you and the entire team during my tenure here.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will do my best to complete any pending tasks and assist in training my successor, if needed. Please let me know how I can be of assistance during this transition period.

I want to express my gratitude to the entire team at [Company Name] for the camaraderie and support I have received. It has been a pleasure working with such talented and dedicated individuals.

Please find my personal contact information below in case you need to reach me after my departure:

[Your Phone Number]
[Your Personal Email Address]

Thank you once again for the opportunities and experiences I have gained at [Company Name]. I wish the company continued success in the future.


[Your Name]

This template covers the essential elements of an exit letter. Remember to customize it with your specific details and make any necessary adjustments based on your unique situation.

Executive Resignation Sample Template

This article covers a free executive sample template. This template is specifically designed for executives who are resigning from their positions. It provides a step-by-step guide to crafting a professional and polite letter.

Here’s a professional executive resignation template

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name]
[Recipient’s Title]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from my position as [Your Executive Title] at [Company Name], effective [Last Working Day, typically two weeks from the date of the letter]. After careful consideration, I have made this decision in order to pursue new professional opportunities and challenges.

I want to express my deep gratitude for the trust and support you and the entire board and executive team have extended to me during my tenure at [Company Name]. It has been a privilege to lead and contribute to the growth and success of this organization. I am particularly proud of the team we have built and the milestones we have achieved together.

I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition during this period. To facilitate this, I am willing to assist in identifying and mentoring my successor, as well as collaborating with the leadership team to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities. Please let me know how I can be of assistance during this transition.

I believe that [Company Name] has a bright future ahead, and I will always hold my time here in high regard. I am confident that the company will continue to thrive under your leadership.

Please find my personal contact information below for any future correspondence:

[Your Phone Number]
[Your Personal Email Address]

Thank you once again for the invaluable experiences and opportunities I have had as part of the [Company Name] family. I look forward to witnessing the continued growth and success of the organization.


[Your Name]

This template is tailored for executive resignations and maintains a professional and appreciative tone. Be sure to personalize it with your specific details and adapt it to your own unique situation and preferences.

Immediate Resignation Sample Template

If you need to resign from your job with little notice, it’s important to have an exit letter that reflects professionalism and politeness. The article provides a free immediate resignation template that can be used as a guide.

This template is specifically designed for situations where you need to leave your job right away without providing the standard two weeks’ notice or quitting without two weeks’ notice.

It emphasizes the importance of including key elements in the letter, such as stating your resignation and end date clearly, expressing gratitude for the opportunity, offering assistance with the transition process, and providing personal contact information.

By using this template, you can ensure that your immediate resignation is handled in a professional manner while maintaining a positive relationship with your employer.

Here’s an immediate letter of resignation

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Today’s Date]

[Supervisor’s Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my immediate resignation from my position as [Your Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last working day will be [Last Working Day], and I understand that this is shorter notice than the standard two weeks.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities I have had while working at [Company Name]. I have learned a great deal during my time here, and I appreciate the support and guidance I have received from you and the team.

I understand that my abrupt departure may cause inconvenience, and I am committed to making the transition as smooth as possible. I am willing to assist in any way I can to ensure that my responsibilities are transferred seamlessly. Please let me know how I can best facilitate this process.

You can reach me after my departure at the following contact information:

[Your Phone Number]
[Your Personal Email Address]

I want to thank you again for the experience and growth I have gained at [Company Name]. While this decision was not easy, I believe it is the right one for my current circumstances.

I apologize for any disruption my immediate resignation may cause, and I appreciate your understanding in this matter.


[Your Name]

This template is designed for immediate resignations and maintains a professional and appreciative tone. Please make sure to customize it with your specific details and adapt it to your unique situation.

Additional Tips for Writing a Professional Notice of Resignation

Keep your letter clear and concise, maintaining a professional tone throughout. Offer assistance for the transition process and keep a copy of the letter for your own records.

Keep it Clear and Concise

When writing your letter, it’s important to keep it clear and concise. Stick to the relevant information and avoid adding unnecessary details or emotions. A well-written letter allows for a smooth transition and maintains a professional tone.

Make sure each section is brief and to the point, focusing on your intention to resign, your last working day, expressing gratitude, offering assistance with the transition, and providing your contact information.

By keeping it clear and concise, you create a positive impression and leave on good terms with your employer.

Maintain Professionalism

In your letter, it’s important to maintain professionalism. This means keeping a respectful and polite tone throughout the letter. Avoid using negative or critical language, as well as emotional statements.

Remember to express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve had at the company and offer assistance with the transition process. By maintaining professionalism in your letter, you can leave on good terms with your employer and keep a positive relationship.

Offer Assistance for the Transition

When resigning from a job, it’s important to offer assistance for the transition to your employer. This means letting them know that you are willing to help with the handoff of your responsibilities and ensure a smooth transfer of tasks.

By doing so, you demonstrate professionalism and show that you care about leaving things in order.

You can mention in your letter that you are available to train or provide guidance to your replacement if needed. You can also offer to create detailed handover notes or documentation that will make it easier for the next person to understand their role and tasks.

Keep a Copy for Your Records

It’s important to keep a copy of your letter for your own records. This is because having a record of the letter can be helpful in the future. It can serve as proof that you submitted your resignation and on what date.

Keeping a copy can also come in handy if there are any disputes or misunderstandings later on. By maintaining this record, you’ll have documentation of your professional correspondence, which could be valuable for reference purposes down the line.


Crafting a professional and polite resignation notice is important when leaving a job. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can ensure your letter includes all the necessary elements and maintains a respectful tone.

Crafting a professional letter of resignation is essential for a smooth job transition, maintaining a positive employer relationship. Our article on resignation letter template provides guidance for both standard and immediate resignations.

Additionally, before your exit, partner with a professional headhunter like Jobsolv. It offers numerous advantages during career transitions, including access to exclusive job opportunities, personalized career advice, negotiation expertise, market insights, time savings, and confidentiality maintenance.

Combining a well executed exit plan, well-written exit letter, and with the guidance of a professional headhunter’s expertise can enhance your career journey significantly.

In crafting your exit letter, remember to express gratitude, offer assistance with the transition, and keep a copy for your records. Use the free templates as a starting point, but personalize them to fit your specific situation.

With this guide, you’ll be able to leave your job on a positive note and maintain good relationships with your employer and colleagues.

Find additional information on the topic here;

Do’s and Don’ts Guide to Switching Jobs While Still Employed

Understanding the Implications of Quitting Without Notice

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