Powerful Recommendation Letters: Writing Tips and Template

Attius Li- Author
Atticus Li
Resume & Cover Letters
September 5, 2023
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Writing a letter of recommendation can be challenging. Not only do you want to accurately portray the person’s abilities and character, but there’s also pressured to make it persuasive enough to benefit them.

In this article, we’ve prepared an ultimate guide that breaks down every aspect of writing a powerful recommendation letter. So why wait? Let’s dive into crafting compelling letters that truly make a difference!

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of writing letters of recommendation is to offer a positive and truthful account of an individual’s skills, attributes, and experiences in order to enhance their success odds.
  • Key components of a recommendation letter include introducing the writer and the person being recommended, explaining their relationship, highlighting skills and qualifications, providing personal anecdotes or examples, and endorsing and encouraging their application.
  • Tips for writing a powerful letter of recommendation include understanding the purpose of the letter, knowing the person being recommended well, focusing on relevant skills and experiences, using specific examples to support claims, maintaining a positive and professional tone throughout the letter. Proofreading for errors is also crucial.
  • Mistakes to avoid when writing letters of recommendation include being too vague or over exaggerating abilities. Writing generic or impersonal letters and neglecting proofreading are also common mistakes.

The Purpose of Writing Letters of Recommendation

Crafting a letter of recommendation serves an essential role in offering a positive and truthful account of an individual’s skills, attributes, and experiences. These influential letters are often utilized in distinct scenarios — from job applications to college admissions, or even scholarship requests.

The power within these written endorsements can significantly enhance the candidate’s success odds, as they provide insight into their unique qualities, notable achievements, and past contributions.

Letters of recommendation aim to offer an energetic endorsement of the individual’s potential for growth and future success by also addressing any areas that may need improvement in a constructive manner.

Key Components of a Recommendation Letter

The key components of a recommendation letter include introducing the writer and the person being recommended, explaining their relationship, highlighting their skills and qualifications, providing personal anecdotes or examples of their abilities, and endorsing and encouraging their application.

Introduction of the writer and the person being recommended

In the field of career coaching and HR consulting, two names stand out — Melody Godfred of Write in Color and Alex Durand of Frable Consulting. These industry leaders have leveraged their extensive experience to craft this ultimate guide on writing letters of recommendation.

On both sides of the employment fence, as recommending professionals and subjects of recommendations themselves, they’ve garnered valuable insights into what makes a letter truly effective.

This guide offers their knowledge distilled into comprehensive tips, designed to assist you whether you are an educator, a manager or simply someone with the responsibility to write a compelling recommendation letter.

Explanation of the relationship between the two parties

The relationship between the writer and the person being recommended is crucial in a recommendation letter. This essential partnership involves two key players: the recommender who is an individual, often a mentor or superior, with firsthand knowledge of the recommendee’s abilities; and the recommendee, who is seeking advancement such as job opportunities or scholarships.

The recommender provides an in-depth assessment of the recommendee’s skills, qualifications and experiences directly relating to what they’re applying for. Having a close professional relationship can enable an authentic account of achievements, skill growth and appropriateness for future career paths.

Positive endorsements rooted in genuine interaction can greatly support job searches and career changes.

Highlights of the person’s skills and qualifications

The highlights of the person’s skills and qualifications are crucial in a recommendation letter. This section allows you to showcase the individual’s unique abilities and strengths that make them an exceptional candidate for whatever they are applying for.

By providing specific examples or anecdotes, you can effectively demonstrate how the person has excelled in their field or how their skillset aligns with the requirements of the position or opportunity.

It is important to be detailed and precise when discussing their skills, making sure to highlight both hard and soft skills that are relevant to their application. Emphasize their accomplishments, expertise, and any special qualities that set them apart from others in their field.

Personal anecdotes or examples of the person’s abilities

Including personal anecdotes or examples of the person’s abilities is crucial in a letter of recommendation. These stories provide evidence and illustrate the person’s skills, qualities, and achievements.

For example, you could share an anecdote about how the individual took charge of a challenging project and successfully led their team to achieve outstanding results. Another example could be highlighting how they demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills by coming up with innovative solutions to complex problems.

These personal stories add depth and credibility to your recommendation, showcasing the person’s unique strengths and contributions in a memorable way.

An endorsement and encouragement for their application

In the letter of recommendation, it is crucial to provide a strong endorsement and encouragement for the applicant’s application. This serves as a final seal of approval and can greatly influence the decision-making process.

By expressing your confidence in their abilities and qualifications, you are vouching for their potential success in the position they are applying for. Additionally, offering words of encouragement can boost their morale and inspire them to pursue their career goals with determination and enthusiasm.

Remember to be sincere and genuine in your endorsement, highlighting specific attributes or experiences that make them stand out from other candidates. Your endorsement can truly make a difference in helping them land their desired opportunity.

Tips for Writing a Powerful Letter of Recommendation

To write a powerful letter of recommendation, it is important to understand the purpose of the letter and the person you are recommending. Focus on relevant skills and experiences, using specific examples to highlight their abilities.

Maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the letter, while also proofreading for errors and clarity.

Understand the purpose of the letter

The purpose of the letter is to provide a comprehensive guide and template for writing powerful letters of recommendation. It aims to assist individuals in crafting effective recommendations that highlight the skills and qualifications of the person being recommended.

The guide emphasizes the importance of understanding the goals and aspirations of the individual, so that the letter can be tailored to their specific needs. By following this guide, writers can effectively advocate for the person they are recommending and help them stand out in their applications.

Know the person you are recommending well

To write a powerful letter of recommendation, it is crucial to know the person you are recommending well. This means having a deep understanding of their skills, qualifications, and experiences.

Take the time to converse with them about their goals and achievements, review their resume or CV, and ask for specific examples that highlight their abilities. By truly knowing the person you are recommending, you can provide a genuine endorsement that will carry more weight and be more impactful for the recipient of the letter.

Additionally, this knowledge will help you personalize your letter by including specific details or anecdotes that showcase the person’s unique strengths. So before putting pen to paper, make sure you have a solid foundation of familiarity with the individual being recommended.

Focus on relevant skills and experiences

When writing a powerful letter of recommendation, it is crucial to focus on the candidate’s relevant skills and experiences. Highlighting their specific abilities and accomplishments that are directly related to the position or industry in which they are being recommended for can greatly enhance the impact of the letter.

By emphasizing their unique qualities and strengths that align with the needs and requirements of the recipient or organization, you can effectively demonstrate why they are a suitable candidate.

Additionally, including examples of their achievements and contributions provides concrete evidence of their capabilities, making your recommendation more persuasive and impactful.

Use specific examples

Using specific examples in a letter of recommendation is crucial to support and showcase the person’s skills and qualifications. Instead of simply stating that the person is a great team player or has excellent communication skills, provide concrete instances where they demonstrated these qualities.

For example, mention how they successfully led a project and effectively communicated with different stakeholders to achieve its goals. Using specific examples adds credibility to the recommendation letter and gives potential employers or admissions committees a better understanding of the person’s abilities.

Maintain a positive and professional tone

When writing a letter of recommendation, it is crucial to maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the entire document. This means avoiding any negative or critical language and focusing on highlighting the individual’s strengths and accomplishments.

By maintaining a positive tone, you not only showcase your support for the person being recommended, but you also demonstrate your professionalism as a writer. It is important to remember that this letter will be seen by potential employers or admissions committees, so it is essential to present yourself in a positive light while endorsing the individual’s qualifications and abilities.

Proofread for errors and clarity

Proofreading is an essential step in writing a letter of recommendation. It ensures that your letter is free from errors and conveys your message clearly. Take the time to carefully review your draft, checking for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Additionally, pay attention to the overall clarity of your writing. Make sure that your sentences are concise and easy to understand. A well-proofread letter will demonstrate professionalism and attention to detail, enhancing the credibility of your recommendation.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Letters of Recommendation

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Letters of Recommendation: Being too vague, over exaggerating the person’s abilities, writing a generic or impersonal letter, and neglecting to proofread are common mistakes to avoid when writing letters of recommendation.

Read on to discover more tips and tricks for crafting a powerful recommendation letter that will make a lasting impression on the recipient.

Being too vague

One common mistake to avoid when writing letters of recommendation is being too vague. Instead of providing specific examples and details about the person’s skills and qualifications, some writers may use general statements that lack substance.

This can make the letter less impactful and convincing for the recipient. To create a powerful letter, it is important to include concrete examples that showcase the person’s abilities, achievements, and character traits.

By providing specific incidents or instances where they demonstrated their skills or excelled in their role, you can paint a clear picture of their capabilities and strengthen your endorsement of them.

Over exaggerating the person’s abilities

It is a mistake to over exaggerate the person’s abilities in a letter of recommendation. While it may be tempting to paint an overly positive picture, providing inaccurate information can harm both the person being recommended and the credibility of the writer.

It is important to provide an honest assessment of their skills and qualifications, focusing on their genuine strengths and experiences. Including specific examples and evidence can strengthen the recommendation without resorting to exaggeration.

By maintaining accuracy and balance, a well-written letter of recommendation will effectively support the person’s application without compromising integrity.

Writing a generic or impersonal letter

When writing a letter of recommendation, it is crucial to avoid using generic or impersonal language. Generic letters lack specificity and fail to highlight the unique qualities and contributions of the candidate.

Instead, take the time to personalize the letter by including specific examples and anecdotes that demonstrate the person’s skills and qualifications. This will add depth and credibility to your recommendation, making it more impactful for the recipient.

Additionally, remember to address the letter to a specific person rather than using a generic salutation like “To Whom It May Concern.” This shows thoughtfulness and consideration in your recommendation, further enhancing its effectiveness.

Neglecting to proofread

Neglecting to proofread can have detrimental effects on letters of recommendation. Errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation can make the letter appear unprofessional and may even hinder the recipient’s perception of the candidate being recommended.

Proofreading is essential to ensure that the letter is error-free, coherent, and effectively communicates the candidate’s qualifications and strengths. It shows attention to detail and a commitment to presenting a polished document.

Taking the time to review and edit before sending the letter demonstrates professionalism and helps ensure that it accurately represents both the writer and the person being recommended.

Template for Writing a Letter of Recommendation

A template for writing a letter of recommendation is an invaluable tool that can help ensure you cover all the necessary information in a clear and concise manner. The template should include sections such as the introduction, where you provide your name and position as well as the name of the person being recommended; an explanation of your relationship with the person and how long you have known them; highlights of their skills, qualifications, and achievements; personal anecdotes or examples that demonstrate their abilities; and finally, an endorsement and encouragement for their application.

This template serves as a guide to help structure your thoughts and ensure that you include all relevant information when writing a letter of recommendation. By using this template, you can save time while still crafting a powerful letter that will truly showcase the strengths of the individual being recommended.

How to Politely Decline Writing a Letter of Recommendation

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to decline writing a letter of recommendation, it’s important to handle the situation with professionalism and tact. First and foremost, express your gratitude for being considered for the task.

You can explain that while you value your relationship with the person asking for the recommendation, you do not feel comfortable or confident enough in your ability to write a strong letter on their behalf.

It’s important to be honest about your reservations without being hurtful or dismissive. Offer alternative suggestions, such as recommending another individual who may be better suited to provide a more accurate and comprehensive recommendation.

By communicating your decision politely and respectfully, you can maintain good relationships and demonstrate professional integrity.


In conclusion, writing recommendation letters can be a powerful tool in helping others achieve their goals. By following the comprehensive tips and using the provided template in this ultimate guide, individuals can confidently write impactful letters that highlight the strengths and qualifications of the person being recommended.

While writing impressive recommendation letters is essential, it’s equally crucial to have the right tools and resources at your disposal. A job search service like Jobsolv can play a pivotal role in connecting candidates with the perfect opportunities.

So, as you refine your recommendation letter writing skills, remember that Jobsolv is here to help you bridge the gap between exceptional candidates and their dream jobs

With personalized anecdotes and specific examples, these letters can truly make a difference in helping candidates stand out. So whether it’s for job applications, academic pursuits, or other endeavors, this guide is here to support individuals in crafting persuasive recommendations that leave a lasting impression.

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