When to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

Attius Li- Author
Atticus Li
Job Search Tools & Services
June 4, 2024
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Crafting the perfect resume is a critical step in landing your dream job. Yet, 75% of resumes never get seen by human eyes due to applicant tracking systems' rejections. This shocking statistic highlights the challenge many job seekers face: making sure their resume stands out in today's competitive job market.

Our guide aims to shed light on when it’s wise to seek help from a professional resume writer, offering you insights on the industry trends and hiring processes. Expertise that can transform your job search journey.

Stay tuned for essential advice on taking your career to the next level.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Resume Writing Services
  2. When to Consider Hiring a Resume Writer
  3. Benefits of Hiring a Professional Resume Writer
  4. How to Choose the Right Resume Writer
  5. Expected Outcomes and Guarantees
  6. Cost Considerations
  7. FAQs

Understanding Resume Writing Services

Resume writers craft professional documents to enhance job applicants' chances in the hiring process. They provide tailored resumes, comprehensively highlighting a candidate's qualifications and experiences.

What a Resume Writer Does

A resume writer crafts your career story into a compelling marketing tool. They know how to make hiring managers take notice. These experts use their polished writing skills to sell your skills and work experience.

They ask probing questions to uncover your unique achievements. Then, they build an ATS-optimized resume. This increases the chance of landing job interviews by 70%.

They stay updated on what attracts attention in various industries, from digital marketing to telehealth. By knowing the latest trends, they can pick the right strategy for anyone looking to change careers or get into a new line of work like sales or contract-based roles.

A professional resume writer turns your career journey into an engaging narrative that captures the interest of hiring managers.

Difference Between Resume Writing and Reviewing

Moving from what a resume writer does, let's talk about the difference between creating and checking resumes. Creating a resume means making it from scratch or redoing an old one. This includes picking the right words, deciding on a format and length that catches the eye, and putting in everything important about your work history.

The goal is to make you stand out to employers and fit what they are looking for.

Checking a resume, on the other hand, focuses on improving what's already there. It involves looking at your resume with fresh eyes to find mistakes or ways to make your achievements shine brighter.

This could mean fixing grammar errors, changing words to have more impact, or adjusting the layout so it reads better. Think of it as polishing your LinkedIn profile: you want every part of it to grab attention for all the right reasons.

When to Consider Hiring a Resume Writer

Consider hiring a professional resume writer if you feel overwhelmed by the resume writing process or if writing isn't your strong suit. Additionally, seek their expertise if you're not getting interviews, have a complex career history, or struggle to highlight your skills and achievements effectively.

Overwhelmed by the Resume Writing Process

Feeling swamped by the resume writing process is common. You sit down to start, but then thoughts about what to include flood your mind. It gets hard to sort through every job, skill, and achievement you've had.

At this point, turning to a professional writer can lift that weight off your shoulders. They know how to make your career shine on paper.

68% of job seekers with professionally written resumes found new jobs within 2-3 months. Some even found a new role in less than 30 days

This statistic shows why considering a pro could be key for anyone feeling stuck or unsure. Imagine not having to stress over every word or worry if you're highlighting the right things.

A professional knows how to customize your resume for your target audience, making sure it speaks directly to potential employers.

This move isn't just smart; it's an investment in your future career path, whether you're aiming for a promotion or switching to a complete career change.

Writing Isn't Your Strong Suit

After tackling the challenge of feeling overwhelmed, some find that writing just isn't something they're good at. If putting words on paper feels tough, a professional resume writer can help.

These experts use compelling language to make your job applications stand out. They know how to sell your skills and experience with the right words.

Maybe you struggle to share your story or highlight what makes you great for a job. A resume writer removes this stress. They focus on details like tone and format while keeping negative elements away from your resume.

This support is especially useful if social media, your LinkedIn Profile or career counselors have suggested your resume needs work. With a pro writer, you'll see how strong writing opens doors to interviews and opportunities in your field.

You're Not Getting Interviews

Are you struggling to land interviews? Despite your efforts, if you're not getting the calls you deserve, it might be time to consider professional help. In today's competitive job market, a staggering 75% of resumes get rejected by applicant tracking systems.

This is where a qualified resume writer can make all the difference. By utilizing their expertise, candidates increase their chances of getting hired by an impressive 32%. Don't let your resume hold you back from securing those crucial interview opportunities.

Remember, landing interviews is pivotal in securing your dream job and advancing your career.

Your Career History Has Complexities

If your career history involves intricate details or a diverse range of experiences, seeking professional help can be beneficial. Certified Professional Resume Writer like Hallie Crawford  and Rosa Vargas with multiple credentials, specializes in addressing complex career histories and executive resumes.

A seasoned professional can effectively highlight varied work experiences and skill sets while showcasing the unique value you bring to potential employers. This expertise provides a compelling edge when navigating through competitive job markets and ever-evolving career landscapes.

Difficulty Highlighting your Skills & Achievements

Struggling to showcase your abilities and accomplishments on a resume? It can be challenging to articulate your strengths effectively. When facing this hurdle, it's crucial to remember that professional resume writers are adept at highlighting key skills and achievements.

They utilize compelling language and sales techniques to craft resumes tailored toward grabbing the attention of hiring managers. In addition, they possess up-to-date industry knowledge regarding content expectations, formatting requirements, and preferred styles - factors that can greatly impact the success of your job application.

Moving forward, let's explore the benefits of hiring a professional resume writer.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Resume Writer

Hiring a professional resume writer brings expertise in crafting effective resumes.

They customize your resume to match the requirements and provide an objective perspective on your skills and experience.

Expertise in Resume Strategies and Formats

Professional resume writers possess in-depth knowledge of industry-specific keywords, formatting standards, and content optimization techniques which can significantly enhance a resume's chances of being noticed by 70% compared to standard resumes.

These experts continuously update their skills to align with the ever-evolving demands of hiring managers and ensure that resumes are tailored towards the specific roles and industries they cater to.

They understand that there’s a tight window of around 6-8 seconds for the resume to be scanned by the recruiter and not to end up in the rejection pile. The format, length, and layout must present what the hiring managers are looking for in the first 3 sections of the resume. This strategy surpasses systems and even the meticulous eyes of the recruiters. 

Additionally, they understand the importance of crafting a visually appealing document that underpins the candidate’s skills and achievements while aligning with current industry trends.

Utilizing their expertise in resume strategies and formats, professional writers design ATS-optimized documents that not only resonate with hiring managers but also effectively highlight an individual's qualifications.

Their meticulous approach ensures that every word is strategically chosen to enhance a candidate’s profile within today’s competitive job market and land in the hands of the right people.

Customization to Job Requirements

After crafting a resume that aligns with proven strategies and formats, the next crucial step is tailoring it to match the specific requirements of each job application. A professionally written resume should be easily customizable so that you can highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the job at hand.

This tailored approach enhances your chances of standing out in a sea of applicants by showcasing how your unique skills directly meet the employer's needs, increasing your potential for landing interviews.

Understanding applicant tracking software, recruiter scanning preferences, and preferred formatting for resumes underpins this process. Therefore, ensuring that a professional writer understands these elements is pivotal in creating a standout resume tailored towards specific job requirements.

According to a study by Forbes, a whopping 63% of resumes miss the mark because they aren't tailored to the specific job they’re applying for. 

Tailoring your resume to every job description isn’t a must, but a great game-changer. 

Objective Perspective on Your Skills and Experience

Transitioning from customizing your resume to match specific job requirements, it's essential to recognize the value of a professional resume writer offering an objective assessment of your skills and experience.

These experts provide an unbiased viewpoint, adjusting the tone and format while removing any negative elements from your resume. They bring clarity to your accomplishments without inflating them, ensuring that every detail is meticulously presented in a way that stands out to potential employers.

They use real quantifiable metrics in percentages or numbers in presenting your achievements. Hyper-focused on the value you bring rather than listing duties and responsibilities on your resume.

How to Choose the Right Resume Writer

When selecting a resume writer, review their credentials and experience in your industry. Evaluate their writing style and communication approach to ensure they align with your needs. Do your thorough research by looking at authentic reviews from previous clients, and hear what people have to say all over social media.

There are a lot of ways in verifying a writer’s trustworthiness and fit for your needs. Here are the most common ways:

Check for Reputable Credentials and Reviews

Before selecting a resume writer, ensure they have reputable credentials and positive reviews. Look for certified resume writers or those with recognized qualifications such as CPRW or CPCC.

Additionally, check online reviews and testimonials about the writer's services to gauge their quality and customer satisfaction.

Consider looking for commendations that reflect their expertise in specific industries to align with your needs effectively. This attention will aid you in choosing a trustworthy expert who can enhance your job prospects through well-crafted resumes tailored to your requirements.

Look for reviews on Trustpilot, SiteJabber, and Google Review, these platforms offer general insights, seeking reviews that mention the writer's experience in your specific field can be highly beneficial. Look for keywords related to your industry and see if satisfied clients commend the writer's understanding of relevant skills and terminology.

But don't stop there, many professional resume writers showcase samples of their work on their websites. This allows you to assess their writing style, format preferences, and ability to tailor resumes to different career paths.

Many writers offer free consultations to discuss your needs and career goals. Utilize this opportunity to gauge their expertise, communication style, and understanding of your specific requirements. Trust is key, so ensure you feel comfortable with their approach.

Assess Their Experience in Your Industry

When choosing a resume writer, evaluate their industry-specific experience to ensure they understand the unique demands and trends of your field. Check if they have worked with professionals in your sector and comprehend the terminology, skills, and achievements relevant to your industry.

Take for example if you’re a tech professional, your initial instinct would be to connect with a  tech resume writer. This can lead to a more tailored and effective resume that resonates with employers in your field.

Look for credentials or reviews demonstrating success in crafting resumes for individuals within your industry. Consider seeking advice from executive directors of professional writing associations or recruiters familiar with your industry's needs.

Understand Their Writing and Communication Style

When evaluating resume writers, it's crucial to understand their writing and communication style. Some may use a generic approach that results in similar resumes for clients. Additionally, the writing style for the resume might differ from that of the cover letter if the job seeker composes their own.

Understanding your chosen writer's writing style is crucial when engaging their services. For instance, some writers produce comparable resumes for different clients using a standardized approach.

Furthermore, variations can exist between the tone used in resumes and cover letters when job seekers write their own.

But the best resumes resonate with your personality. Are you a data-driven professional who thrives on metrics? Or maybe you're a creative powerhouse with a knack for storytelling?  A skilled writer will capture your essence and translate it into compelling language that reflects your personal brand.

Do you prefer a straightforward approach that highlights your achievements clearly? Or are you drawn to a more creative style that injects personality into your resume? There's no one-size-fits-all answer, and a good resume writer will be flexible enough to adapt to your preferences.

Pro Tip: When working with a professional resume writer, have an honest conversation about your unique skills and experiences. Jargon might impress the ATS, but a human connection with hiring managers lands the interview. Together, craft a resume that showcases both your expertise and your personality – authenticity is key!

Expected Outcomes and Guarantees

Investing in a professional resume writer can be a game-changer for your job search. But before you take the leap, understanding the expected outcomes and any guarantees offered is crucial.

What to Expect from the Service

Professional resume writers offer a range of services that entail rewriting existing resumes, providing actionable advice, and offering personalized feedback. They strive to understand the job seeker's career objectives, strengths, and aspirations in order to create a tailored document that highlights their key accomplishments, skills relevant to the target role or industry.

These experts are equipped with knowledge about contemporary resume formats and latest trends in hiring practices across different industries.

Just adding a disclaimer: There’s no resume writer or any service that can guarantee you a job.

So, what to expect? Let's be honest, there's no magic bullet for landing your dream job. While a great resume can open doors, there's no guarantee of an offer. It's a team effort. While the resume writer polishes your resume, in our case, we polish your resume and manage the job search for you. What you can do is prepare for your upcoming interviews.

Your resume will practically open the doors for you, now, do your part.

So, what can a professional resume writer realistically do for you? Here's the lowdown: 

  • They'll start by getting to know you  – your experiences, skills, and career aspirations. This might involve an initial consultation or questionnaire to gather details and understand your goals.
  • They will identify your unique strengths and accomplishments. They'll dig deeper than just job duties, focusing on the impact you made in previous roles. Quantifiable results are key here. 
  • Take your existing resume or create a resume from scratch and transform it to a polished document. Tailored for the job you're applying for.
  • Knowing your resume effectively represents your skills and value allows you to walk into interviews with confidence. This boost in self-assurance can significantly impact your performance during the interview process.
  • Many writers offer revision cycles, allowing you to provide feedback and ensure the final product reflects your vision completely. Open communication is key – a good writer will address your concerns and refine the resume until you're satisfied.

How Does Jobsolv Signature Compare to Professional Resume Writers

While we offer a 30-day Guarantee, it’s for the job offer that’s directed towards your inbox. Allow us to differ from the others, while we clearly say there’s not a single resume writer or any service that can guarantee you a job, that statement is pure fact.

Our guarantee stands for sourcing interviews for our clients which has proven to be successful through our signature service. We curate and hand-pick top job listings in your field and tailor your resume for every job application.

The meticulous process involves a free consultation followed by a quick turnaround of delivering your resume until you’re satisfied. You control the narrative and we provide the best guidance on the contents. Our group of experts will manage the entirety of your job search including your application materials. From there, expect to receive interview offers straight to your inbox in less than 30 days. 

Now, remember, hiring a professional resume writer is an investment in your career success. While it doesn't guarantee a job offer, it equips you with a powerful tool to compete effectively and showcase your unique value to potential employers.

Common Guarantees Offered by Resume Writers

When it comes to common guarantees offered by resume writers, you can expect a few key assurances. One of the primary guarantees is the promise of unlimited revisions until you are satisfied with your resume.

Additionally, most professional resume writers offer a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that they will work with you until you are happy with the final product. Another common assurance is a commitment to revising and updating your resume within a specified timeframe if it does not result in job interviews or offers.

Cost Considerations

Investing in a professional resume writer can significantly boost your job search. But with various service levels and pricing structures, navigating the cost can feel a bit overwhelming. 

Typical Pricing Ranges

Professional resume writing services can have a wide cost range, with prices typically falling between $1,500 and $5,000. When choosing a service, it's important to take into account your timeline, budget, and how involved you want to be in the process.

Let's break it down in a way that makes sense:

  • Basic resume rewrites will typically be more affordable than comprehensive packages that include cover letter writing, interview coaching, and LinkedIn profile optimization.
  • Just like any professional service, more seasoned writers with a proven track record might command a higher fee. You are paying for the writer’s years of experience and industry knowledge. 
  • If your career path falls in a specialized field, writers who understand your industry jargon and desired skills may charge a premium due to their focused knowledge. Their deep understanding of the specific training needs translates to a potentially higher fee. However, this targeted expertise can significantly increase your resume's effectiveness within your industry.

Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision that suits your needs.

Next up: Return on Investment

Return on Investment

Investing in a professional resume writer may seem like a considerable expense, but it's essential to view it as an investment in your future. The return on investment for a professionally written resume can be significant, as 68% of job seekers who used such services found new jobs within 2-3 months.

This demonstrates that the cost involved can lead to tangible and valuable outcomes, making it a worthwhile expenditure to advance your career prospects.

A professionally written resume not only increases the chances of securing interviews but also enhances the overall quality of applications, ultimately leading to better career opportunities and potentially higher salaries.

Therefore, while there is an initial financial outlay, the potential benefits far outweigh this cost in terms of career progression and improved earning potential over time.

Key takeaway: A professional resume writer can be your career champion. They unlock hidden opportunities with industry know-how and craft a resume that bypasses ATS. Consider this expert help if you're facing a complex career path, struggling to get interviews, or simply overwhelmed by the resume writing process. Invest in yourself and get noticed by the right hiring managers – it might just be the boost you need to land your dream job!


This guide has explored the benefits of hiring a professional resume writer, equipping you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. You've gained valuable insights into this strategic investment in your career success, from navigating cost considerations to recognizing the value of a well-written resume.

Remember, a professionally written resume is more than just a piece of paper; it's a powerful tool that unlocks hidden opportunities and bypasses ATS hurdles.

Their industry knowledge allows them to craft resumes that resonate with hiring managers. Whether you're navigating a complex career path or seeking a complete career change, their expertise tailors your resume for success. Knowing your resume effectively represents your value translates to self-assurance when you walk into interviews.

Don't let a weak resume hold you back from achieving your career goals. If you're facing interview droughts, overwhelmed by the writing process, or simply seeking to maximize your potential, consider investing in yourself. 

A professionally written resume crafted by an expert can be the key to unlocking your dream job.


1. How do I know if I need a professional resume writer?

You might need a professional resume writer if you're not getting interviews with your current resume.

2. Can a professional resume writer help me get a job?

A professional resume writer can improve your chances of getting an interview, which is the first step to getting a job.

3. How much does it cost to hire a professional resume writer?

The cost varies depending on the service and your career level, but it can range from $1,500 to over $5,000 depending on the writer’s level, your industry, and package you’ll avail.

4. What should I look for in a professional resume writer?

Look for someone with experience in your industry and positive reviews from past clients.

5. How long does it take for a professional resume writer to create my resume?

It usually takes between 5-7 days, but some services offer faster turnaround times if needed.

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