Six Brutal Truths: Job Hunting In Our Current Economy

Attius Li- Author
Atticus Li
Finding a job
August 3, 2023
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Navigating today’s job market can feel like an impossible maze. With the economic uncertainties and advancements in technology, securing employment has become more challenging than ever before.

This article will shine a light on six brutal truths of this current landscape and offer tried-and-true strategies to boost your career prospects. Ready for some hard-hitting reality? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  1. The current job market is highly competitive, with a surplus of qualified candidates for limited open positions.
  2. Overqualification and underemployment are common issues, as many individuals find themselves accepting jobs beneath their skill level due to credential inflation and economic downturns.
  3. Networking opportunities have become more challenging in the current economy, but job seekers can adapt by utilizing online platforms like LinkedIn to build connections and expand their network.
  4. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) and artificial intelligence (AI) play significant roles in the job search process, requiring applicants to optimize their resumes and acquire new skills to remain relevant in an evolving job market impacted by AI technology.

Challenges of Finding a Job in the Current Economy

Finding a job in today’s economy is tough due to increased competition, lack of experience, overqualification and underemployment, limited networking opportunities, the prevalence of applicant tracking systems (ATS), and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI).

Increased competition

In today’s global job market, increased competition stands as a formidable truth facing prospective employees. Economic growth notwithstanding, the number of qualified candidates often outweighs available open positions.

This surge in competition is exacerbated by regional differences and varying employment outcomes across economic sectors. Market conditions play a critical role too; with soft skills, hard skills, and technical skills becoming essential prerequisites for landing prestigious roles.

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For instance, forecasts suggest that by 2023 we can anticipate fewer vacancies causing an even stiffer contest among hopeful job seekers in the United States while Sub-Saharan Africa looks to create 15 million jobs annually to tackle its employment challenge.

Lack of experience

Entering the current job market as an inexperienced applicant can be daunting. The economic downturn, heightened by COVID-19, has dramatically altered the employment landscape and brought about intense competition for available opportunities.

This situation is often exacerbated by a lack of confidence and self-assurance in inexperienced job seekers. Their limited exposure to real-world scenarios can cripple their performance during networking events or interviews.

In spite of these hurdles, economists remain hopeful due to a resilient job market that continues to showcase consistently low unemployment rates despite the slowing economy. However, it’s worth noting that technology’s influence on job creation and employment creates an ambivalent scenario — it opens up new avenues while simultaneously demanding higher skill sets for emerging roles.

As such, redefining your lack of experience into a learning curve towards acquiring required skills is vital in today’s labor shortage-stricken America.

Overqualification and underemployment

Navigating the current job market presents its own set of unique challenges. A prevalent issue many individuals face is the paradox of overqualification and underemployment. This phenomenon typically manifests when job seekers, armed with an impressive skill set and extensive credentials, find themselves accepting positions for which they are clearly overqualified — a direct result of what’s termed as ‘credential inflation’.

The problem amplifies during economic downturns when unemployment rates soar, shrinking the availability of jobs suitable to their qualifications. For instance, around one-quarter of workers possessing a bachelor’s degree end up in roles that don’t fully utilize their skills or education.

Underemployment not only leads to career mismatch but also strips away their opportunities to contribute effectively to the talent pool within industries. The dilemma intensifies further for immigrant professionals who find it tougher to tap into less available resources or networks that could possibly help bridge this gap.

Consequently, they’re often found working jobs beneath their potential — leading once again to underutilization and widespread underpayment in such cases.

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Few networking opportunities

Networking plays a crucial role in landing a job, but in our current economy, job seekers face the challenge of limited networking opportunities. With the limitations on in-person events and gatherings, building professional connections has become even more challenging.

Job seekers who relied on attending networking events or career fairs are now left with fewer options to expand their network. However, despite these challenges, it is important for job seekers to adapt and find alternative ways to connect with professionals in their industry.

This could include utilizing online platforms like LinkedIn or joining virtual industry-specific groups and communities. Taking advantage of online resources and actively reaching out to individuals can help bridge the gap caused by reduced networking opportunities and increase the chances of finding suitable employment.

Applicant tracking systems (ATS)

Applicant tracking systems

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have become an integral part of the job search process in our current economy. These software programs are used by companies to manage and streamline their recruitment procedures.

By automatically filtering and screening resumes, ATS make it more challenging for job seekers to stand out from the competition. In fact, these systems only track candidates who have applied directly to a specific company, which means that many job seekers may be overlooked without even knowing it.

Understanding how ATS work and optimizing your resume with relevant keywords and tailored applications is crucial for increasing visibility and landing a job in today’s competitive market.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to advance rapidly, with potential implications for the job market and economy. There is a growing concern about the impact of AI on employment opportunities, as it has the potential to automate various tasks and displace human workers.

Artficial Intelligence

Reports suggest that hundreds of millions of jobs could be lost worldwide due to AI. This technological disruption may particularly affect well-paid managers, supervisors, and analysts in the future.

However, there are ongoing studies exploring both the negative and positive effects of AI on employment. It is crucial for individuals to adapt and acquire new skills to remain relevant in an evolving job market impacted by AI technology.

Tips for Finding a Job in the Current Economy

Update your resume, utilize online job boards, focus on LinkedIn, sign up for job alerts, take advantage of online resources, utilize your network, optimize your online presence, and expand your job search.

Update your resume

Regularly updating your resume is crucial in today’s competitive job market. With economic uncertainties and advancements in technology, it’s important to showcase your current skills and accomplishments.

By keeping your resume up-to-date, you can highlight any recent professional achievements and adapt to the changing demands of the job market. In 2023, there may be fewer open positions available, making it even more essential to optimize your resume for maximum impact.

Stay on top of industry trends and tailor your resume accordingly to stand out from the competition.

Utilize online job boards

Online job boards have become the go-to resource for job seekers in our current economy. They offer a wide range of employment opportunities and can significantly increase your chances of finding the right job. Here are some tips to effectively utilize online job boards:

  1. Create a standout profile: Craft a compelling resume and optimize it with keywords relevant to your industry. Highlight your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments to attract potential employers.
  2. Search strategically: Use specific keywords and filters when conducting your job search on online job boards. This will help you narrow down the results and find positions that align with your interests and qualifications.
  3. Set up job alerts: Take advantage of the job alert feature on online job boards. By setting up alerts based on your preferred criteria, you’ll receive notifications whenever new relevant jobs are posted.
  4. Apply promptly: Act quickly when you find a position that suits you. Many employers receive numerous applications and may close the application process once they find suitable candidates.
  5. Research companies: Before applying for a position, thoroughly research the company to gain insights into their culture, values, and industry reputation. This knowledge will help you tailor your applications and demonstrate genuine interest during interviews.
  6. Network online: Online job boards often include networking features where you can connect with professionals in your field or those working at desirable companies. Networking can provide valuable advice, referrals, or even direct opportunities for employment.
  • Labor market trends suggest increasing reliance on online recruitment platforms.
  • Online job searches have become the primary method for finding employment.
  • Job boards play a crucial role in helping candidates connect with potential employers.
  • Employers often rely on standard practices when using job boards, which can result in frustrations for job seekers.
  • Despite challenges, online job boards remain a valuable tool in finding employment.

Focus on LinkedIn


In today’s job market, LinkedIn has become an invaluable tool for job seekers. With its vast network of professionals and extensive job listings, it’s a platform that should not be overlooked.

By focusing on LinkedIn as part of your job search strategy, you can tap into a wealth of career opportunities and connect with industry leaders. Utilize the platform to update your profile, showcase your skills and experience, and actively engage with relevant groups and discussions.

Additionally, LinkedIn’s Economic Graph provides valuable workforce data that can help you identify emerging trends and in-demand skills. So if you’re looking to land a job in our current economy, make sure to prioritize building a strong presence on LinkedIn.

Sign up for job alerts

Stay ahead of the competition by signing up for job alerts. In our current economy, employment opportunities can be scarce and highly sought after. By registering for job alerts on various online platforms, you’ll receive notifications whenever new positions that match your criteria become available.

This saves you time and effort in searching for openings manually and ensures that you don’t miss out on any potential career prospects. With unemployment rates at historic lows, being proactive in your job search is crucial to staying competitive in today’s challenging job market dynamics.

Take advantage of online resources

  • Utilize online job boards to search for available positions in your desired field.
  • Sign up for job alerts on these online platforms to receive updates whenever relevant opportunities arise.
  • Focus on LinkedIn, the leading professional networking site, to connect with potential employers and showcase your skills and qualifications.
  • Expand your job search beyond traditional channels by exploring remote work opportunities and freelance platforms.
  • Take advantage of online resources such as career coaching websites, industry — specific forums, and educational platforms to enhance your skills and knowledge.
  • Optimize your online presence by creating a professional website or portfolio showcasing your work and accomplishments.
  • Use social media platforms strategically to network with professionals in your industry and stay updated on trends and job openings.
  • Stay informed about emerging digital technologies that are reshaping industries and consider acquiring additional skills to stay competitive in the job market.

Utilize your network

In our current economy, one of the most effective ways to increase your chances of landing a job is by utilizing your network. Connections and referrals can often provide valuable opportunities that may not be advertised on job boards.

Group Meeting

Networking allows you to tap into the hidden job market, where many positions are filled through word-of-mouth recommendations. Building and maintaining professional relationships with colleagues, friends, family members, and alumni can provide access to insider information about upcoming job openings or introductions to key decision-makers within organizations.

By leveraging your network, you can gain a competitive advantage in this challenging job market and potentially uncover unexplored employment opportunities.

Optimize your online presence

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is paramount when it comes to finding a job in our current economy. Employers now rely heavily on online platforms to search for potential candidates, so it’s crucial that you optimize your online presence to stand out from the competition.

Start by updating your professional profiles on sites like LinkedIn, making sure they showcase your skills and experience effectively. Utilize keywords relevant to your industry throughout your profiles to increase the chances of being discovered by recruiters or hiring managers.

It’s also important to be mindful of privacy concerns while building an online presence. With advancements in technology comes increased scrutiny of one’s digital footprint. Take steps to protect your personal information and ensure that only the content you want employers to see is readily accessible.

This includes managing privacy settings on social media platforms and removing any potentially damaging posts or photos.

Furthermore, take advantage of networking opportunities available through professional groups and forums online. Engage with others in your industry by participating in discussions, sharing valuable insights, and connecting with influential individuals who may have connections or job leads.

Expand your job search

To increase your chances of landing a job in the current economy, it’s crucial to expand your job search beyond traditional methods. Don’t limit yourself to just one industry or type of position; instead, explore different sectors and roles that align with your skills and interests.

With economic recovery initiatives underway, new employment opportunities are emerging in unexpected places. Stay open-minded and be willing to explore diverse options. Keep an eye on job market trends and consider industries that have shown resilience during uncertain times.

By expanding your job search, you’ll increase your chances of finding employment in our ever-evolving economy.

How to Strengthen Your Chances of Landing a Job

To strengthen your chances of landing a job, pay attention to detail, practice your interview skills, research the company, personalize your cover letter, and follow up promptly.

Pay attention to detail

Having strong attention to detail is a crucial trait when it comes to landing a job in our current economy. Employers are often seeking candidates who can demonstrate thoroughness, precision, and diligence in their work.

Attention to detail involves being focused, accurate, and meticulous in all aspects of a task or project. It is not only a trainable skill but also an important attribute for being a good employee.

Paying attention to detail helps ensure high-quality work and increases efficiency. In fact, job descriptions frequently mention the importance of having strong attention to detail as employers understand its value in producing successful outcomes.

Practice your interview skills

A Lady Standing

Improving your interview skills is crucial when it comes to landing a job in our current economy. In fact, practice can make all the difference between securing that dream position or being passed over for someone more prepared.

By honing your interview techniques, you can effectively showcase your expertise and stand out from the competition. Remember to pay attention to detail, research the company beforehand, and personalize your cover letter to demonstrate genuine interest.

Active listening is also key during interviews as it shows you value what the interviewer has to say. Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of grammar proficiency — proper communication can leave a lasting impression on potential employers.

Research the company

Researching the company you are applying to is a crucial step in strengthening your chances of landing a job. By conducting thorough research, you gain valuable insights into the company’s culture, values, mission, and goals.

This knowledge allows you to tailor your application materials and responses during interviews to align with what the company is looking for in an ideal candidate. Additionally, researching the company demonstrates your genuine interest and dedication to the role, which can set you apart from other applicants.

It also helps you ask informed questions during interviews, showcasing your preparedness and enthusiasm for joining their team. Take advantage of online resources such as the company’s website, social media platforms, and news articles to gather relevant information that will help you make a strong impression when pursuing job opportunities.

Personalize your cover letter

Customizing your cover letter for each job you apply to is a crucial step in landing a job in our current economy. By tailoring your cover letter to match the specific requirements and needs of the company, you show that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the position.

Using authentic language allows your personality to shine through, making a genuine connection with the hiring manager or recruiter. Including their name adds a personal touch and demonstrates that you’ve taken the time to customize your application.

Standing out among other applicants is essential, and personalized cover letters can help make that impression.

Follow up

Lady Taking a follow up

To increase your chances of landing a job in our current economy, it is crucial to follow up after submitting an application or attending an interview. Following up demonstrates your commitment and enthusiasm for the position, setting you apart from other candidates.

A timely and polite follow-up email or phone call can help keep you top of mind with hiring managers and show that you are genuinely interested in the opportunity. Research shows that 80% of hiring managers agree that following up positively impacts their decision-making process.

So don’t underestimate the power of a simple follow-up; it could be the key to securing your dream job.


In conclusion, landing a job in our current economy is not easy. The increased competition, lack of experience, and automation make it challenging for job seekers. However, by updating your resume, utilizing online resources, and strengthening your interview skills, you can improve your chances of finding the job you love.

Understand the harsh realities faced by job seekers in today’s current economy for your competitive edge. Opt for professional resume writing services to create customized performance resumes and cover letters with AI intelligence to scan for ATS-compatibility. Customize your materials and take the hassle out of job applications. Elevate your chances of success in the job market and land your dream job.

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